- Adult Businesses
- Airlines
- Auto Transport
- Auto Warranty
- Bad Credit
- Bail Bonds
- Betting Advice
- Business Opportunities (“Biz Op”)
- Cannabis
- Casino and Gambling
- Cigarettes, Pipes, Tobacco
- Collection Agencies
- Collector Coins & Stamps
- Continuity
- Credit Repair
- Debt Consolidation
- Diet Programs
- Debt Relief
- Document Preparation
- Educational Seminars
- E-Cigarettes & Vaporizers
- Escort Services
- Extended Warranty & Protection
- Forex Websites
- Fortune Tellers
- Gambling Advice
- Gift Card & Certificate Websites
- Gun & Firearm Stores
- Hair Restoration Services
- High Volume Merchants
- Internet Art Sales
- Internet Electronic
- Sales Internet
- Jewelry Sales
- Jewelry Sellers
- MOTO (Mail Order, Tele Order)
- Moving Brokers
- Multi-level Marketing (MLM)
- Nutraceuticals
- Online / Internet Gambling
- Online Exercise Equipment
- Online Herbal & Vitamin
- Online Legal Forms
- Online Dating
- Online School & Education
- Online Pharmacy
- Online Smoke Shops
- PC/Tech Support & Software
- Penny Prepaid Cards
- Poor Credit Merchants
- Recurring & Re-bill Models
- Refinance Kits
- Social Networking Websites
- Subscriptions & Memberships
- Telecommunications
- Telemarketing
- Ticket Broker Sales
- Time Share Sales
- Travel Agency
- Water Purifiers
- Web Design & Hosting
- & MORE
Our Top Industries
Switch NOW and Save
Have you been labeled high risk?
Keeping our processing fees at the lowest rates possible for years is a win-win. We earn your business and you save money.
We have built a reputation for being the best at what we do, so you can focus on being the best at what you do. We have over 25 years of experience and long-standing relationships with over 30 different Banks and ISOs. Some of these relationships are personal, directly with the Owners, Presidents, and CEOs of these banks. These relationships are the advantage we give our clients.
Our relationships and experience allow us to stay 2 steps ahead of underwriting regulations so that you experience little to no interruption in services.
We work with you to ensure that your business is always compliant. This is First Card Payment’s promise to you!